

005   " "空白

-----------特殊文字一覧(The list of characters)-----------------
001""""""クォーテーションquotation mark = APL quote
003<<<"<"小なりless-than sign
004>>>">"大なりgreater-than sign
005   " "空白no-break space = non-breaking space
006¡¡¡"¡"inverted exclamation mark
007¢¢¢"¢"セントcent sign
008£££"£"ポンドpound sign
009¤¤¤"¤"currency sign
010¥¥¥"¥"yen sign = yuan sign
011¦¦¦"¦"縦棒broken bar = broken vertical bar
012§§§"§"section sign
013¨¨¨"¨"diaeresis = spacing diaeresis
014©©©"©"コピーライトcopyright sign
015ªªª"ª"feminine ordinal indicator
016«««"«"left-pointing double angle quotation mark = left pointing guillemet
017¬¬¬"¬"not sign
018­­­"­"soft hyphen = discretionary hyphen
019®®®"®"registered sign = registered trade mark sign
020¯¯¯"¯"macron = spacing macron = overline = APL overbar
021°°°"°"degree sign
022±±±"±"plus-minus sign = plus-or-minus sign
023²²²"²"平方superscript two = superscript digit two = squared
024³³³"³"立方superscript three = superscript digit three = cubed
025´´´"´"acute accent = spacing acute
026µµµ"µ"マイクロmicro sign
027"¶"pilcrow sign = paragraph sign
028···"·"middle dot = Georgian comma = Greek middle dot
029¸¸¸"¸"cedilla = spacing cedilla
020¹¹¹"¹"superscript one = superscript digit one
031ººº"º"masculine ordinal indicator
032»»»"»"right-pointing double angle quotation mark = right pointing guillemet
033¼¼¼"¼"vulgar fraction one quarter = fraction one quarter
034½½½"½"vulgar fraction one half = fraction one half
035¾¾¾"¾"vulgar fraction three quarters = fraction three quarters
036¿¿¿"¿"inverted question mark = turned question mark
037ÀÀÀ"À"latin capital letter A with grave = latin capital letter A grave
038ÁÁÁ"Á"latin capital letter A with acute
039ÂÂÂ"Â"latin capital letter A with circumflex
040ÃÃÃ"Ã"latin capital letter A with tilde
041ÄÄÄ"Ä"latin capital letter A with diaeresis
042ÅÅÅ"Å"latin capital letter A with ring above = latin capital letter A ring
043ÆÆÆ"Æ"latin capital letter AE = latin capital ligature AE
044ÇÇÇ"Ç"latin capital letter C with cedilla
045ÈÈÈ"È"latin capital letter E with grave
046ÉÉÉ"É"latin capital letter E with acute
047ÊÊÊ"Ê"latin capital letter E with circumflex
048ËËË"Ë"latin capital letter E with diaeresis
049ÌÌÌ"Ì"latin capital letter I with grave
050ÍÍÍ"Í"latin capital letter I with acute
051ÎÎÎ"Î"latin capital letter I with circumflex
052ÏÏÏ"Ï"latin capital letter I with diaeresis
053ÐÐÐ"Ð"latin capital letter ETH
054ÑÑÑ"Ñ"latin capital letter N with tilde
055ÒÒÒ"Ò"latin capital letter O with grave
056ÓÓÓ"Ó"latin capital letter O with acute
057ÔÔÔ"Ô"latin capital letter O with circumflex
058ÕÕÕ"Õ"latin capital letter O with tilde
059ÖÖÖ"Ö"latin capital letter O with diaeresis
060×××"×"multiplication sign
061ØØØ"Ø"latin capital letter O with stroke = latin capital letter O slash
062ÙÙÙ"Ù"latin capital letter U with grave
063ÚÚÚ"Ú"latin capital letter U with acute
064ÛÛÛ"Û"latin capital letter U with circumflex
065ÜÜÜ"Ü"latin capital letter U with diaeresis
066ÝÝÝ"Ý"latin capital letter Y with acute
067ÞÞÞ"Þ"latin capital letter THORN
068ßßß"ß"latin small letter sharp s = ess-zed
069ààà"à"latin small letter a with grave = latin small letter a grave
070ááá"á"latin small letter a with acute
071âââ"â"latin small letter a with circumflex
072ããã"ã"latin small letter a with tilde
073äää"ä"latin small letter a with diaeresis
074ååå"å"latin small letter a with ring above = latin small letter a ring
075æææ"æ"latin small letter ae = latin small ligature ae
076ççç"ç"latin small letter c with cedilla
077èèè"è"latin small letter e with grave
078ééé"é"latin small letter e with acute
079êêê"ê"latin small letter e with circumflex
080ëëë"ë"latin small letter e with diaeresis
081ììì"ì"latin small letter i with grave
082ííí"í"latin small letter i with acute
083îîî"î"latin small letter i with circumflex
084ïïï"ï"latin small letter i with diaeresis
085ððð"ð"latin small letter eth
086ñññ"ñ"latin small letter n with tilde
087òòò"ò"latin small letter o with grave
088óóó"ó"latin small letter o with acute
089ôôô"ô"latin small letter o with circumflex
090õõõ"õ"latin small letter o with tilde
091ööö"ö"latin small letter o with diaeresis
092÷÷÷"÷"division sign
093øøø"ø"latin small letter o with stroke, = latin small letter o slash
094ùùù"ù"latin small letter u with grave
095úúú"ú"latin small letter u with acute
096ûûû"û"latin small letter u with circumflex
097üüü"ü"latin small letter u with diaeresis
098ýýý"ý"latin small letter y with acute
099þþþ"þ"latin small letter thorn with
100ÿÿÿ"ÿ"latin small letter y with diaeresis
101ŒŒŒ"?"latin capital ligature OE
102œœœ"?"latin small ligature oe
103ŠŠŠ"?"latin capital letter S with caron
104ššš"?"latin small letter s with caron
105ŸŸŸ"?"latin capital letter Y with diaeresis
106ƒƒ "?"latin small f with hook = function = florin
107ˆˆˆ"?"modifier letter circumflex accent
108˜˜˜"?"small tilde
109ΑΑΑ"Α"greek capital letter alpha
110ΒΒΒ"Β"greek capital letter beta
111ΓΓΓ"Γ"greek capital letter gamma
112ΔΔΔ"Δ"greek capital letter delta
113ΕΕΕ"Ε"greek capital letter epsilon
114ΖΖΖ"Ζ"greek capital letter zeta
115ΗΗΗ"Η"greek capital letter eta
116ΘΘΘ"Θ"greek capital letter theta
117ΙΙΙ"Ι"greek capital letter iota
118ΚΚΚ"Κ"greek capital letter kappa
119ΛΛΛ"Λ"greek capital letter lambda
120ΜΜΜ"Μ"greek capital letter mu
121ΝΝΝ"Ν"greek capital letter nu
122ΞΞΞ"Ξ"greek capital letter xi
123ΟΟΟ"Ο"greek capital letter omicron
124ΠΠΠ"Π"greek capital letter pi
125ΡΡΡ"Ρ"greek capital letter rho
126ΣΣΣ"Σ"greek capital letter sigma
127ΤΤΤ"Τ"greek capital letter tau
128ΥΥΥ"Υ"greek capital letter upsilon
129ΦΦΦ"Φ"greek capital letter phi
130ΧΧΧ"Χ"greek capital letter chi
131ΨΨΨ"Ψ"greek capital letter psi
132ΩΩΩ"Ω"greek capital letter omega
133ααα"α"greek small letter alpha
134βββ"β"greek small letter beta
135γγγ"γ"greek small letter gamma
136δδδ"δ"greek small letter delta
137εεε"ε"greek small letter epsilon
138ζζζ"ζ"greek small letter zeta
139ηηη"η"greek small letter eta
140θθθ"θ"greek small letter theta
141ιιι"ι"greek small letter iota
142κκκ"κ"greek small letter kappa
143λλλ"λ"greek small letter lambda
144μμμ"μ"greek small letter mu
145ννν"ν"greek small letter nu
146ξξξ"ξ"greek small letter xi
147οοο"ο"greek small letter omicron
148πππ"π"greek small letter pi
149ρρρ"ρ"greek small letter rho
150ςςς"?"greek small letter final sigma
151σσσ"σ"greek small letter sigma
152τττ"τ"greek small letter tau
153υυυ"υ"greek small letter upsilon
154φφφ"φ"greek small letter phi
155χχχ"χ"greek small letter chi
156ψψψ"ψ"greek small letter psi
157ωωω"ω"greek small letter omega
158ϑϑϑ"?"greek small letter theta symbol
159ϒϒϒ"?"greek upsilon with hook symbol
160ϖϖϓ"?"greek pi symbol
161"?"bullet = black small circle
162"…"horizontal ellipsis = three dot leader
163"′"prime = minutes = feet
164"″"double prime = seconds = inches
165"?"overline = spacing overscore
166"?"fraction slash
167"?"script capital P = power set = Weierstrass p
168"?"blackletter capital I = imaginary part
169"?"blackletter capital R = real part symbol
170"™"trade mark sign
171"?"alef symbol = first transfinite cardinal
172"←"leftwards arrow
173"↑"upwards arrow
174"→"rightwards arrow
175"↓"downwards arrow
176"?"left right arrow
177"?"downwards arrow with corner leftwards = carriage return
178"?"leftwards double arrow
179"?"upwards double arrow
180"⇒"rightwards double arrow
181"?"downwards double arrow
182"⇔"left right double arrow
183"∀"for all
184"∂"partial differential
185"∃"there exists
186"?"empty set = null set = diameter
187"∇"nabla = backward difference
188"∈"element of
189"?"not an element of
190"∋"contains as member
191"?"n-ary product = product sign
192"∑"n-ary sumation
193"?"minus sign
194"?"asterisk operator
195"√"square root = radical sign
196"∝"proportional to
199"∧"logical and = wedge
200"∨"logical or = vee
201"∩"intersection = cap
202"∪"union = cup
205"?"tilde operator = varies with = similar to
206"?"approximately equal to
207"?"almost equal to = asymptotic to
208"≠"not equal to
209"≡"identical to
210"?"less-than or equal to
211"?"greater-than or equal to
212"⊂"subset of
213"⊃"superset of
214"?"not a subset of
215"⊆"subset of or equal to
216"⊇"superset of or equal to
217"?"circled plus = direct sum
218"?"circled times = vector product
219"⊥"up tack = orthogonal to = perpendicular
220"?"dot operator
221"?"left ceiling = apl upstile
222"?"right ceiling
223"?"left floor = apl downstile
224"?"right floor
225"?"left-pointing angle bracket = bra
226"?"right-pointing angle bracket = ket
228"?"スペードblack spade suit
229"?"クラグblack club suit = shamrock
230"?"ハートblack heart suit = valentine
231"?"ダイヤblack diamond suit
232"?"en space
233"?"em space
234"?"thin space
235"?"zero width non-joiner
236"?"zero width joiner
237"?"left-to-right mark
238"?"right-to-left mark
239"?"en dash
240"?"em dash
241"‘"left single quotation mark
242"’"right single quotation mark
243"?"single low-9 quotation mark
244"“"left double quotation mark
245"”"right double quotation mark
246"?"double low-9 quotation mark
248"‡"double dagger
249"‰"per mille sign
250"?"single left-pointing angle quotation mark